how to know the SSTYPE of the slave ids in a contact using tcl ?

Sachi Takalkar
Sachi Takalkar Altair Community Member
edited June 2023 in Community Q&A

I want to know if the slave of a contact (group) are exempted ones or no...

Refer the attached image....once the check box is clicked the transpose of SSID becomes the slave...

but in TCL for the commnad

hm_getvalue groups id=6 dataname=slaveentityids 

we still get the set which we have selected ... and not its transpose

so.. i need to know how to get the slave ids 

one way is the SSTYPE given in image changes from 2 to 6 when check box is ticked .... but i dont know the tcl command to get the SSTYPE value



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2023

    honestly i don't get what you call transpose, but anyway.


    Some datanames are solver independent attibutes and these can be retrieved from the 'datanames' section in the documentation.

    Some others are only related to a particular solver, and that seems to be your case.

    In these cases, usually what i do is to open the model, lauch this script provided in the installation and run it.

    C:\Program Files\Altair\2022.3\hwdesktop\demos\hm\examples\scripts

    This script shows what are the attributes used in this entity, and also what are the attribute name.

    So to retrieve this particular attribute you can call it using \$attribute_name

    In my example, for OptiStruct the attribute name might be \$PSHELL_T

    In yours, maybe it will be \$SSTYPE


  • Sachi Takalkar
    Sachi Takalkar Altair Community Member
    edited June 2023

    honestly i don't get what you call transpose, but anyway.


    Some datanames are solver independent attibutes and these can be retrieved from the 'datanames' section in the documentation.

    Some others are only related to a particular solver, and that seems to be your case.

    In these cases, usually what i do is to open the model, lauch this script provided in the installation and run it.

    C:\Program Files\Altair\2022.3\hwdesktop\demos\hm\examples\scripts

    This script shows what are the attributes used in this entity, and also what are the attribute name.

    So to retrieve this particular attribute you can call it using \$attribute_name

    In my example, for OptiStruct the attribute name might be \$PSHELL_T

    In yours, maybe it will be \$SSTYPE


    By transpose I mean 

    While giving single surface contacts, for selecting slave what we do is select a few components and click the exempt slave parts option given in the image (ExemptSlvPartSet) by this all the other components except the ones selected become slave...

    but in TCL for the commnad...

    [hm_getvalue groups id=6 dataname=slaveentityids]

    we still get the set which we have selected


    Also I am using LsDyna user profile ... could you please help with me with that... i dont have the option of Entity attribute