In EDEM while defining motion to conveyor we use 2 motions for the same geometry what is the reson for it?

edited November 2022 in Community Q&A


  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2022

    Hi Kiran,

    I'm not clear on the question, was this a specific case or tutorial? You can set a conveyor motion which influences the relative velocity between the particles and the geometry, allowing the geometry to be fixed in place and represent conveyor belt motion.


    You can also set geometry kinematics where the geometry will move in space, useful for the end roller on a conveyor belt for setting a rotation.


    You can also set any combination of kinematics and motions to replicate different scenarios, you could for example set a conveyor motion and linear kinematic on the same geometry to represent a translating conveyor belt equipment.


