How to get Mass/Area/Volume of a Comp in a macro
Hi everybody,
does anyone how to get the area / mass / volume of a component in a macro?
I'm searching for anything like:
' set area [hm_getcomparea $comp] '
or structural / non-structural mass or volume of this component.
I need it especially for Nastran models, but it would be great to have a solver-independet way (for at least: area, volume and total mass).
Can anybody help me?
Thank you...
try the following code
proc calculateAreaOfComp {compNameId} {# computes the area of the surfaces in a componentset areaOfSurfaces 0.0*createmark surfaces 1 'by comp name' $compNameIdset surfaceList [hm_getmark surfaces 1]*clearmark surfaces 1foreach iSurface $surfaceList { set areaOfSurfaces [expr ($areaOfSurfaces + [hm_getareaofsurface surface $iSurface]) ] }return $areaOfSurfaces}
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for the volume
proc calculatevolumeOfComp {compNameId} {# computes the vol of solids in a componentset volumeOfSolids 0.0*createmark solids 1 'by comp name' $compNameIdset solidList [hm_getmark solids 1]*clearmark solids 1foreach iSolid $solidList { set volumeOfSolids [expr ($volumeOfSolids + [hm_getvolumeofsolid solids $iSolid]) ] }return $volumeOfSolids}
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Hi Cesar,
thank you for your help.
It's almost what I needed...
But I'm searching for a way to get the informations of meshed components.
e.g. after importing a Nastran-Input-Deck (-> there is no geometry, just mesh)
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After you import the nastran deck, you could run a script to create surfaces from the mesh and place them in the proper collector. or manually create the surfaces with 'FE to surface'.
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Good Idea, but I don't thick this way works on a whole BIW with > 300 PSHELL properties and
> 500.000 elements in less then 8 hours (on a fast machine)...
In 'Tool -> mass calc' is the fuction I'm searching for.
The values of this function should be my new variables, but I don't find a command like:
[hm_getareaofsurface ...] for a single element or a comp.
I've got a complete runable model with all porperties and materials and I just would like to know the area of the elements of a certain component.
Maybe anyone of Altair knows a way how get this information in same time as using 'mass calc' in a macro.
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some posted this command to search the hypermesh api, you could search for the word 'mass' or 'area'.
lsearch -all -inline $g_base(coreProcs) *mass*
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try the following code, it will create the a surface from the fe model. for a 250k element (aprox. 100 components) frame model, it took less than one hour to generate the surfaces from the mesh.
proc createSurfacesFromComp {} { set compNameList [hm_complist name] foreach compName $compNameList { *createmark elems 1 'by comp name' $compName # some code is needed here for just selecting 2d elements. if other type of elements are present, there may be an error. *createmark elems 2 *fetosurfs 1 2 123 1200 0.1 0 }}
some code is needed to avoid an error if mark No1 does not contain any 2d element. I think should not contain any other type of elements, just 2d elements.
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If you want to get the area of existing mesh, you can sum up the area of individual elements on a component by component basis. Each element area is already an attribute stored for each element.
*createmark elems 1 'by comp' comp1set comp_el_list [hm_getmark elems 1] set comp1_area 0foreach id $comp_el_list { set el_area [hm_getentityvalue elements $id 'area' 0] set comp_1area [expr $comp_1area + $el_area] }
This way you won't need to generate the geometric surfaces. There is also a 'volume' entity for solid elements.
These are not solver specific, and would work on mesh from any source. I would also recommend looking at the 'masscalc' or 'components' in the hminstalldir/templates/summary directories for some other examples, although these are in template language, not tcl.
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Exact what I was looking for!
This small code works fine and fast...
Thanks a lot
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Dear All,
If I have a list of component to get the total area on surface, how can I adapt this script?
(names of components are fixed)
Can someone help me, please?
Thanks a lot in advance,