[Polymer Extrusion] Model setup error - EW Batch error

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited December 2021 in Community Q&A

 My project is about extrusion analysis of 3D printer nozzle using HDPE and recycle HDPE. I used a 3D printer nozzle download from grabcad. Its a very simple geometry and simple extrusion but somehow i cannot get through the EW Batch error. Here i attach my files i hope u can help me. Here i compile my files along with the model taken from internet  

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  • NarendraSingh
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2017

    Dear Miezan,

    Have you tried training models? When you are learning Click2Extrude, it is strongly recommended to first try tutorial models. These are available in Help document. Press F1 key on key board. I checked your model, the solids organized not as per requirements.

    1. Polymer die assemblies are made of stack/series of steel plates. They are placed one after another.

    2. Hence, our workflow is geared towards this assumption, you should have series of die plates - placed one after another.

    3. when you extract flow volume, Click2Extrude will automatically extract solids from each die plate and name them as Plate1, Plate2, .. and the last plate is assembly where polymer takes final shape is called as Land plate; hence last solid is named as 'Land'

    4. then you go and extract profile solid

    Issues in your model:  You have entire bar and nozzle named as Land. But it should have been sub dived as shown in image below. 

    I have corrected the model and please try with that. 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>2017-09-22 09_39_55-nozzle.stmod - Click2Extrude 2017.3.jpg



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