I was trying to read an ansys result files in hyperview .But the results shows that they are elemental .There is some variation in between nodal and elemental results. can anyone suggest how i can read nodal results in hyperview for ansys
Hi Aneesh
The procedure to be followed for Plotting the Nodal Stress Results in HV is as follows:
1. Load the ANSYS .cdb file as the model and the .rst file as result in HV.
2. From the Contour panel select the Result Type as Stress and von Mises.
3. Check the box next to Use Corner Data.
4. Set the averaging method to Advanced
5. Click Apply
I hope this helps.
Also, there is a Tip & Trick file on Comparing ANSYS .rst and .rth results plotted in HV with ANSYS Post available for your kind information.
It summarizes that :
1. ELEMENTAL RESULTS in ANSYS = ELEMENTAL RESULTS in HV (Use Corner Data + No Averaging)
2. NODAL RESULTS in ANSYS = NODAL RESULTS in HV (Use Corner Data + Advanced Averaging)
Please let us know your e-mail address if you require this file, so that we can send it across to you.
So, why the 'use corner data' is inactive in ls-dyna results? Is it necessary to select 'use corner data' when we analyses ls-dyna results.
Thank you in advance.
my E-mail address:
Hi Chinaman,
The Ls-Dyna solver does not output corner stresses hence the 'use corner data' is inactive for ls-dyna results.
Hi Chinaman, The Ls-Dyna solver does not output corner stresses hence the 'use corner data' is inactive for ls-dyna results. Regards Linus
Could you please try deleting the files 'command.cmf, hmmenu.set and hmsetting.tcl' from the working directory.
The path for the Working directory can be accessed by right clicking on the hypermesh short icon and clicking on properties. Under the shortcut tab the start in field is the path for the working directory.
Also kindly change the working directory if it is the default working directory.
I have tried deleting the files'command.cmf and hmmenu.set'from the working directory ,but i can not find the file 'hmsetting.tcl'.After do that i can't run the hypermesh ,the cue is 'can't find the hmmenu.set file'.
And i don't know how to change the working directory.
Thanks again