How to convert Abaqus *.odb file to *.fil file ?

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi friends,

I have a question for all. I will be grateful if someone can give me a solution.

I need the Abqus output file .odb in .fil format so that another software which I am working on can read it. How to do it ?

My entire research work depends on this step. I tried all the ways I know. Can we do it in the Abaqus command window ? Or can we type something in the .inp file so that after execution it gives a .fil file instead of an .odb file ? Please answer soon.




  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2009


    You need to add *ELEMENT FILE or *NODE FILE output commands to your deck to get Abaqus to generate the .fil output files. The *OUTPUT commands create the .odb file.

    The *POST OUTPUT card can be used to extract results from the restart file to create a .fil file as well.


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2009

    Thank you Eric. I got it worked. Now I've another problem. I already have a plug welded plate. My adviser wants to analyze a stud welded plate. So I imported the .inp file for plug welded plate ( After deleting the forces and BCs as now the force must be applied on the stud and the previous forces are not needed) to Hypermesh. I dragged the elements of the plug using drag command. The crack was not affected as it was outside the plug ( and in the cracktube). I used faces feature. But the stud I made using 'drag' command was containing the previous plug also. So I had to delete the older plug and rename 'faces' feature in the specification tree as PROP1 ( which was the older name of the component Plug ). So the material for the older plug was automatically assigned to the new plug because of renaming. Then I exported the .inp file to Abaqus where I applied the required Load and BCs. But after that when I submitted the .inp file from Abaqus to FEA Crack, it didn't generate the .fil file. I tried all the old ways of editing the .inp file that worked earlier. But no use.

    I doubt the reason as 1) I deleted the plug as the stud made via 'faces' feature contained the plug. Can you tell me how to just make a stud using 'drag' option ( or anything which works ) on a plate with elements in a circle on the top surface of the plate. ( That is exactly my plug surface ) .The stud must not contain any elements below the top surface of the plate. ( Which is my problem for which I had to delete the older plug and rename the 'faces' as the name of the older plug ) Also tell me if we do like that , do I have to do 'Tie contact surfaces' in Abaqus before applying load ? Please help me. FEA Crack software will expire on 31st December. I have 133 cases to finish. Please help me.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2019

    hello ERIC, I am new to Abaqus and i am currently having the same problem of generating a results file(.fil). What do you mean by deck to Abaqus