Export FE mesh as IGES Geometry (ossmooth help requested)

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Let's say I create a mesh from some CAD geometry, but then morph the mesh in Hypermesh.

I now want to export the morphed geometry back to a CAD package.

It seems like OSSMOOTH should be able to do this. However the problem I am having is that I only have an .FEM file, no shape (.sh) or grid point (.grid) files because I did not do an optimization run.

Is there anyway to create surfaces from a mesh without running an optimization analysis? I looked through all the OSSMOOTH documentation I could find, but it appears that optimization results are required.

I could fake a .sh or .grid file, but I am looking for any easy way someone has found or a macro to do it. Or am I missing something obvious?



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2007

    you could save the state of the morph (tool>hypermorph>morph>save & apply), then, you could create the surface from the FE (geom>surfaces>from FE)

    Let's say I create a mesh from some CAD geometry, but then morph the mesh in Hypermesh.

    I now want to export the morphed geometry back to a CAD package.

    It seems like OSSMOOTH should be able to do this. However the problem I am having is that I only have an .FEM file, no shape (.sh) or grid point (.grid) files because I did not do an optimization run.

    Is there anyway to create surfaces from a mesh without running an optimization analysis? I looked through all the OSSMOOTH documentation I could find, but it appears that optimization results are required.

    I could fake a .sh or .grid file, but I am looking for any easy way someone has found or a macro to do it. Or am I missing something obvious?

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2007

    Follow Up:

    The 'geom>surfaces>from FE' functionality was exactly what I was looking for.

    Thank you.