open tcl script in GUI

AlexanderP Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello all
I created a graphical interface (piece of them in the picture below):


I am interested in the following questions:
1. How can I bind running a .tcl file to a button click? (see the fourth question)
2. How to change the font size on the background? (in HyperView)
*TitleFont('Arial', 1, 0, 12) do not work


3. While I work in HyperMesh, i have command.tcl, where all my operations are recorded. But in HyperView I don't find such file. Then I try to 'File- Save session - open it in notepad'. But it is not log file

Is there such a file to see the commands being invoked?

4. I'm try to change legend and notes in HyperView. After wrote a .tcl to 'legend file'
But it is don't work from button. And worked, if we choose in manual mode (as picture in this topic):

 add_button 'legend'     {proc ::post::LoadSettings { legend_handle } {   $legend_handle SetType user   $legend_handle SetFilter Linear  $legend_handle SetPosition upperleft  $legend_handle SetNumericFormat 'fixed'  $legend_handle SetNumericPrecision '0'  $legend_handle SetReverseEnable false  $legend_handle SetSeparatorWidth 0  $legend_handle SetNumberOfColors 11   $legend_handle SetColor 0 '255 255 255'   $legend_handle SetColor 1 '  0   0 255'   $legend_handle SetColor 2 '  0 227 255'   $legend_handle SetColor 3 '  0 255 170'   $legend_handle SetColor 4 '  0 255  57'   $legend_handle SetColor 5 ' 57 255   0'   $legend_handle SetColor 6 '170 255   0'   $legend_handle SetColor 7 '255 227   0'   $legend_handle SetColor 8 '255 113   0'   $legend_handle SetColor 9 '255   2   0'   $legend_handle SetColor 10 '255   0   0'   $legend_handle SetColor 11 '255 255 255'   $legend_handle OverrideValue 0 -36 true  $legend_handle OverrideValue 1 42 true  $legend_handle OverrideValue 9 140 false  $legend_handle GetHeaderAttributeHandle attr_handle   attr_handle SetVisibility false  catch { attr_handle SetFont 'Arial'};  attr_handle SetHeight 10  attr_handle SetColor '255 255 255'   attr_handle SetSlant 'regular'   attr_handle SetWeight 'regular'   attr_handle ReleaseHandle   $legend_handle GetTitleAttributeHandle attr_handle   attr_handle SetVisibility true  catch { attr_handle SetFont 'Arial'};  attr_handle SetHeight 10  attr_handle SetColor '255 255 255'   attr_handle SetSlant 'regular'   attr_handle SetWeight 'regular'   attr_handle ReleaseHandle   $legend_handle GetNumberAttributeHandle attr_handle   catch { attr_handle SetFont 'Arial'};  attr_handle SetHeight 10  attr_handle SetColor '255 255 255'   attr_handle SetSlant 'regular'   attr_handle SetWeight 'regular'   attr_handle ReleaseHandle   $legend_handle SetMinMaxVisibility false max  $legend_handle SetMinMaxVisibility false min  $legend_handle SetMinMaxVisibility false max_local  $legend_handle SetMinMaxVisibility false min_local  $legend_handle SetMinMaxVisibility false entity  $legend_handle SetMinMaxVisibility false bymodel  $legend_handle SetTransparency true   $legend_handle SetBackgroundColor '255 255 255'   $legend_handle GetFooterAttributeHandle attr_handle   attr_handle SetVisibility false  catch { attr_handle SetFont 'Arial'};  attr_handle SetHeight 10  attr_handle SetColor '255 255 255'   attr_handle SetSlant 'regular'   attr_handle SetWeight 'regular'   attr_handle ReleaseHandle   }  }

Thank you in advance for your help



  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited February 2019

    1. Use widget option '-command'

    2. Use hw objects

    3. Hv does not have cmf file

    4. Use hw objects