Run TCL script using button

Altair Community Member
Hello all
How I can run .tcl script using a button?
I searched a lot of information, but can't found
I have a procedure:
proc add_button {title command} { global frame count button $frame.$count -text $title -command $command -font 'arial 10' pack $frame.$count -side top -pady 1 -padx 1 -fill x incr count }
Then I call it:
add_frame 'TCL' add_button 'test open file' {*readfile 'C:/temp/11.tcl'} add_button 'test open file 2' {*readfile 'C:/temp/'}
But opening a .hm file works good, but .tcl does not work and I have an error:
0 0 while executing '*readfile 'C:/temp/11.tcl'' invoked from within '.buttons.frame15.18 invoke' ('uplevel' body line 1) invoked from within 'uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]' (procedure 'tk::ButtonUp' line 24) invoked from within 'tk::ButtonUp .buttons.frame15.18' (command bound to event)
Can everyone explain me how correct this error or how can I run a .tcl file using buttons?
Maybe try 'userpage.mac' ? Here's from my userpage.mac
*createbutton(5,'NASTRAN', 5, 0, 5, GREEN,'Export to Nastran',EvalTcl,'HM2Nastran.tcl') *createbutton(5,'SAMCEF', 5, 5, 5, GREEN,'Export to Samcef ',EvalTcl,'HM2Samcef.tcl')
All my scripts found in the directory defined in environment variable 'TCL_INCLUDE'