U parameter

I am using MBCNTDS cards for a MBDS.
for one of them, I have a problem with a 'U parameter' which must be comprised in the range [-0.5;0.5].
I looked at the on-line help and *.pdf documents, but I never found what is this 'U parameter' and how it is calculated.
Could somebody help me please?
Hi Florian
I am Varun replying on behalf of the MotionView Support Team.
The U parameter is something which the users have no control over. Parameter U is computed by the solver at each time step. For example, in case of a PTCV joint, the solver will try to compute the U at which the ‘point’ is coincident with the ‘curve’. Similarly, this can be extended to other elements like PTSF, PTdCV etc. When the ‘point of relevance’ goes outside the range of the curve, the solver will return an error saying that U has gone out of the range of -0.5 to 0.5. Extending this to surfaces, we have two parameters U and V and similar ideas apply to these as well.This is most likely a modeling error.
Is it possible for to share to model with us for further investigation to find out the root cause of the porblem? You can reach the MultiBody Solutions Support team at mvsupport@altair.com
Please mail mvsupport@altair.com for a quicker resposne on all your future queries.
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Hi Varun,
Many thanks for your explanation.
I'm in contact with Christophe B. from the French support team. I will send him my model.
Many thanks for your help.