In what file format should I export for Fluent to read in the data. Fluent booklet says, Hypermesh Ascii format. What does this mean? Thanks.
1st of all switch from Hypermesh to Engineering solutions in the user profile.. then select CFD --> click ok
now go to File-->export FEA--> select file type as CFD; solver type Fluent; target location; click export... itzz done !!
before exporting u should actually define all zones (inlet.outlet,interfaces,fluid domains, etc)
good luck...
ASCII format file is a general code format where major files are scripted. After creating the mesh in the Ansys user profile, Create an ET Type sensor for all type of elements, from 1D, 2D, & 3D panels, update all the element types from the ELEM Types option in 3D panel, and then export in to desired format.
1st of all switch from Hypermesh to Engineering solutions in the user profile.. then select CFD --> click ok now go to File-->export FEA--> select file type as CFD; solver type Fluent; target location; click export... itzz done !! before exporting u should actually define all zones (inlet.outlet,interfaces,fluid domains, etc) good luck...
Sir how can i define all zones (inlet.outlet,interfaces,fluid domains, etc) in hypermesh
Aiiiie, do you have some experience with CFD? Fluent?