2D shell thickness scalar plot and 3D shell thickness

Hi people,
I've a couple of questions for you:
1 - Is it possible to create a 2D mesh thickness scalar plot by hypermesh? That is, I have a shell mesh and I want to view in a plot (like a 2D contour) the thickness of each element. How can I do that by hypermesh? By patran I can create a 2D thickenss scalar plot of the shell properties simply but I can't find the same on hypermesh...
2 - Can I display the shell thickness (I mean 3D visualization) on hypermesh? This is very useful to view if the thickness is oriented in the right direction. Again I can do that simply in patran.
Thanks a lot
these enhanced visualization options or one of the many enhancements in the upcoming new version 11. In the meantime, for your 1st point, you may want to contact your local Altair office to check if there is already a macro available (which creates a hm-resultsfile in the background based on shell thickness entry of PSHELL etc. which then can be used to create a contour plot of shell thickness)
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I am using Hypermesh 13. Is it possible to create a 2D mesh thickness scalar plot by Hypermesh here? If so, how?
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