Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello, I am going thorugh the tutorial for the HW GUI TOOLKIT and I got stock when running it.

The example is as follows:




hwt::CreateWindow mytoplevel \

-windowtitle 'Dialog Title'\

-noGeometrySaving \

-cancelButton Cancel \

-acceptButton OK \

-acceptFunc applyFXN \

-defaultButton Accept \

-minsize 470 300 \


proc applyFXN {args } {

tk_messageBox -message 'The Createwindow function passes the \

toplevel window to the procedure listed so you must have args \

in the procedure. Args is $args';

destroy $args;


set recess [hwt::WindowRecess mytoplevel];

set section1 [label $recess.section1 \

-text 'Section one label '\

-justify left \

-anchor nw \

-font [hwt::AppFont]];

pack $section1 -side top -anchor nw;

hwt::AddPadding $recess -side top -height [hwt::DluHeight 4];

set frame1 [frame $recess.frame1];

pack $frame1 -side top -anchor nw;

hwt::AddPadding $frame1 -side left -width [hwt::DluWidth 4];

set fileSelection [ hwt::AddEntry $frame1.entry1 \

-label 'File Name' \

-labelWidth 15\

-entryWidth 42\

-listProc whenPressed 'dialogBrowse $recess' \

-iconName msfolder \

-iconLoc -1 2 \

-withoutPacking \

-textvariable filename \

-state 'normal' ];

proc dialogBrowse {args} {

variable filename

variable recess

set filename [tk_getOpenFile -parent $recess]


pack $fileSelection -side left -anchor nw;hwt::AddPadding $frame1 -side left -width [hwt::DluWidth 4];

set bWidth [hwt::DluWidth 50 [hwt::AppFont]];

set bHeight [hwt::DluHeight 14 [hwt::AppFont]];

set button1 [hwt::CanvasButton $frame1.button $bWidth $bHeight \

-command '[namespace current]::importFile' $recess \

-text import \

-state normal \

-takefocus 1\

-font [hwt::AppFont]];

proc importFile {args} {

tk_messageBox -title 'GUI Checklist' \

-message 'The file has been imported.' \

-icon info \

-parent $args \

-type ok;


pack $button1 -side left -anchor nw;



It is a very simple code that displays a window with a input box to select a file.

I get an error message when running it that says there is no such variable as recess.

Does anybody know where to look for the syntax of the getOpenFile command?




  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited January 2013

    I tested and see it run normally!

    Anyway you can try again with variable '::recess' instead of 'recess'. This will link recess to global scope and you need not declare by 'variable recess'

    tk_getOpenFile is a tk command, you look for help in Tcl/Tk manual



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2013


    You are right, it works fine in the script editor, but in the tutorial page it does not.

    Once I have completed the script it is not showing the radio buttons.

    Do you know what is missing?

    hwt::CreateWindow mytoplevel \
    -windowtitle 'Dialog Title'\
    -noGeometrySaving \
    -cancelButton Cancel \
    -acceptButton OK \
    -acceptFunc applyFXN \
    -defaultButton Accept \
    -minsize 470 350 \
    proc applyFXN {args } {
    tk_messageBox -message 'The Createwindow function passes the \
    toplevel window to the procedure listed so you must have args \
    in the procedure. Args is $args';
    destroy $args;
    set recess [hwt::WindowRecess mytoplevel];
    set section1 [label $recess.section1 \
    -text 'Section one label '\
    -justify left \
    -anchor nw \
    -font [hwt::AppFont]];
    pack $section1 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $recess -side top -height [hwt::DluHeight 4];
    set frame1 [frame $recess.frame1];
    pack $frame1 -side top -anchor nw;
    hwt::AddPadding $frame1 -side left -width [hwt::DluWidth 4];
    set fileSelection [ hwt::AddEntry $frame1.entry1 \
    -label 'File Name' \
    -labelWidth 15\
    -entryWidth 42\
    -listProc whenPressed 'dialogBrowse $recess' \
    -iconName msfolder \
    -iconLoc -1 2 \
    -withoutPacking \
    -textvariable filename \
    -state 'normal' ];

    proc dialogBrowse {args} {
    variable recess
    variable filename
    set filename [tk_getOpenFile -parent $recess ]
    pack $fileSelection -side left -anchor nw;hwt::AddPadding $frame1 -side left -width [hwt::DluWidth 4];
    set bWidth [hwt::DluWidth 50 [hwt::AppFont]];
    set bHeight [hwt::DluHeight 14 [hwt::AppFont]];
    set button1 [hwt::CanvasButton $frame1.button $bWidth $bHeight \
    -command '[namespace current]::importFile' $recess \
    -text import \
    -state normal \
    -takefocus 1\
    -font [hwt::AppFont]];
    proc importFile {args} {
    tk_messageBox -title 'GUI Checklist' \
    -message 'The file has been imported.' \
    -icon info \
    -parent $args \
    -type ok;
    pack $button1 -side left -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $recess -side top -height [hwt::DluHeight 7];

    set section2 [label $recess.section2 \
    -text 'Section two label' \
    -justify left \
    -anchor nw \
    -font [hwt::AppFont]];

    pack $section2 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $recess -side top -height [hwt::DluHeight 4];

    set frame2 [frame $recess.frame2];
    pack $frame2 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $frame2 -side left -width [hwt::DluWidth 4];

    set labelWidth 17
    set entryWidth 15
    set entry1 [hwt::AddEntry $frame2.entry1 \
    -label 'Entry field label ' \
    -labelWidth $labelWidth \
    -entryWidth $entryWidth \
    -textvariable [namespace current]::entry1TextVariable \
    -validate real \
    -state normal \

    pack $entry1 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $frame2 -side top -hegiht [hwt::DluHeight 4];

    variable dropDownList; set dropDownList [list Red Blue Green Yellow ];

    set entry2 [hwt::AddEntry $frame2.entry2 \
    -label 'Combo box label:' -labelWidth $labelWidth \
    -text 'Red'\
    -entryWidth [expr {$entryWidth -2}]\
    -listVar fromPopDown noTyping dropDownList \
    -state normal ];

    pack $entry2 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $recess -side top -hegiht [hwt::DluHeight 7];
    set section3 [label $recess.section3 \
    -text 'Section three label.' \
    -justify left \
    -anchor nw \
    -font [hwt::AppFont]];

    pack $section3 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $recess -side top -hegiht [hwt::DluHeight 4];

    set frame3 [frame $recess.frame3];
    pack $frame3 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $frame3 -side left -width [hwt::DluWidth 4];

    set rbl [radiobutton $frame3.rb1 \
    -text 'Option one'\
    -variable '[namespace current]::optionVariable' -value one ];

    pack $rb1 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $frame3 -side top -width [hwt::DluHeight 4];

    set rb2 [radiobutton $frame3.rb2 \
    -text 'Option two'\
    -variable '[namespace current]::optionVariable' -value two ];

    pack $rb2 -side top -anchor nw;

    hwt::AddPadding $frame3 -side top -width [hwt::DluHeight 4];

    set rb3 [radiobutton $frame3.rb3 \
    -text 'Option three'\
    -variable '[namespace current]::optionVariable' -value two ];

    pack $rb3 -side top -anchor nw;

    Best regards.- Edgar

  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited January 2013

    I tested it and see 2 radio buttons: 'Option two' and 'Option three'

    an error occurred with rb1 when you creating it, you miss writing it as 'rbl' (RBL) !



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2013

    Very good catch! Thank you so much!.-Edgar