First of all, I'm actually a new user to MotionView. Before this I already used Adams and want to try another tool that can do MBD analysis. So I try MV.
The problem that I'm facing is regarding the contacts. Originally I try to import the model data from CATIA(CATPart/CATproduct) file to MDL file, but failed. There's and error message written:
Ok.I turned to another route, convert the CATIA file into .MODEL file in CATIA. Then from the .MODEL file created, I imported it to MV into .MDL file. It runs well. So now I have .MDL and automatically H3D file(for graphics). Btw, when importing the model, I use default option for meshing(ticked Allow HM to specify mesh options). From now on, I added all the joints, motions and contacts(rigid to rigid with impact contact),check the model- now error msg, then run.Conversion failed. Hypermesh returned the following error:
Invalid input file name or the file does not contain any surface
or element data.
When I animated the the system, the two bodies that I defined with contacts penetrated each other. Why this is happened?
FYI I also have asked my college to mesh the model with HM and then run again. also failed.
Hi Syaira
This is Varun replying on behalf of MV Support.
The contacts will work when the surface/element normals are facing each other in the model.
In order to investigate further, could you please send us the model file (.mdl) @
We will need the original Catia File i.e. the .catproduct and also the corresponding H3D file generated after using the CAD import utility. If the file size is greater than 5MB could you please zip all the files and send it to us through our ftp site.
The FTP site details are as below
Username: anonymous
Password: you email id
CD to pub\incoming and uplaod the zipped file to this location.
For a faster response in future please mail
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I have the same problem, i can't import Catia files into MV.
Did you have the solutions ?
best regards