Customizing with macros

Assuming that you are on windows platform using HW8.0-SR1, you can find documentation using the following path.
Here you can find demos and tutorials as well.Start -> All Programs -> Altair Hyperworks 8.0sr1 -> Tools -> HW GUI Toolkit
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Thanks for the reply Pradeep. Sorry it took so long to respond.
What if I am using HM8SR1 on a unix box?
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Here's an excerpt from the code that is giving me issues:
set entry1 [ hwt::AddEntry $frame2.entry1 \
-label 'Cornering:' \
-font [hwt::AppFont 12 b]\
-labelWidth $labelWidth \
-entryWidth $entryWidth \
-textvariable [namespace current]::entry1TextVariable \
-validate real \
-state normal \
pack $entry1 -side top -anchor nw;
proc applycollector {args}
(some code here)
*clearmark loadcols 1
while {$m<=5} {
set i 1
while {$i<=$entry1TextVariable} {
*collectorcreate loadcols 'Corn-$i' '' 8
*createmark loadcols 1 'Corn_restraint' 'Corn-$i'
*createmark outputblocks 1
*createmark groups 1
*loadstepscreate 'Corn$i' 1
*attributeupdateint loadsteps $m 4714 1 0 1 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps $m 4143 1 0 1 1
*attributeupdateint loadsteps $m 4709 1 0 1 1
*attributeupdateentity loadsteps $m 4145 1 0 1 loadcols 1
eval *attributeupdateentity loadsteps $m 4147 1 0 1 loadcols [expr $i+2]
incr i
incr m
(Some more code here)
When I go to run the macro, the dialog box comes up, I add the data to the textbox, but when I press the proceed button, I get an error stating the there was no such variable (entry1TextVariable). How can I get the procedure to acknowledge the variable?
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Found the solution. when using the hwt GUI interface, you define the variables in the local (current) namespace. In order to access these variables in a procedure, you need to redefine them in the global namespace. (see below)
proc someaction {args} {
global somevariable;
procedure code
set i $somevariable
more code