How to mesh splited body(3D) in Hyper mesh

It is good practice to split/subdivide complicated geometry into simple blocs before trying to make mesh.
1. I splitted 3D model to simple 3D blocks.
2. Import splited geometry(.sat format) to hyper mesh.
3. Trying to mesh 3D bodys,but after that nodes and elements from body #1 are not connected with nodes and elements from body #2.
How can I set up connection between these bodys? That the elements and nodes were combined between the two parts.
I know how set up this function in:
Ansys Workbench ->geometry-> tuck 'modeling' -> detail of part -> shared topology method and choose option 'automatic'.
UG -> FEM -> mating mesh.
But I have a problem in Hyper mesh. Could you help me?
elems and nodes connected if geometry hold them is connected. In case of 3D, geometry should be 'solids'
If you import CAD from certain format, it may not appear as solids in hypermesh, so first try to check whether it is
you can create solids by panel Geom>Solids> select boundary surfs of solid
two solids share some surfs then elems and nodes on those will connected
Another way is manual mesh by panel 3D>Drag>Drag elems, Spin Elems; 3D>Linear solid
In this case you will have to create 2D mesh on shared surfs and extrude/spin them or map them to form 3D elems
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when you import solid geometries from different files, the individual solids are not connected to each other, i.e. they do not have a shared surface. But you can (before meshing) create a shared surface (and thus get a connected mesh) by using boolean operations in the solid edit panel. In your case 'operation type'=advanced, 'operation'=A+B, 'combine through'=none should work.
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thank u for share technic
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In solid mesh we have to maintain element connectivity r not and is possible to maintain element connectivity
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Two different solids have surfaces that overlap each other ,if you are familier with geometry editing in Hypermesh you can try to delete one of the common surface and make that into a single solid.
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If you insert a model consisting of a number of adjacent solids into Hypermesh, it will understand it as separate solids with separate surfaces for each solid. I believe a good solution in this case would be to insert the whole model as one solid then use geometry editing in Hypermesh to cut it into the required number of solids. In this case Hypermesh would automatically create the shared surfaces. I would also suggest you modify the model in a CAE program (Solidworks for example) so it is easy to trim in Hypermesh.