Mass Properties Problem in flexprep

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Hi There
I am using motionview of hyperworks 7.0
I have translated mnf into h3d with flexprep 7.0-050.
In case of using shell elements, I have no problem.
But, in case of using solid & shell elements in mnf, mass properties of h3d is different from mass properties of mnf.
I have been generating mnf file with nastran 2005 r2.
I remmember that I asked Dr. KK(Altair) this problem in GMNA last year.
Please, let me know how to translate mnf into h3d without this mass property problem.
Hi Sangha, I'm Keshav replying here. You can see tremendous improvements with the Flexprep utility from MV80SR1. Can you please send your mnf files to I'll take a look and will get back to you.