Putting text from a loop in a variable

mkress New Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi guys,

my script reads a document and afterwards manipulates every line of it. step by step, every line is written into an outfile.


'while {[gets $data lines] >=0} {




set outfile [open $path/report.txt a+]




if {![regexp {N/A} $field2]}      {




puts $outfile '[format $formatStr $a $b $field1 [format '%.1f' $dif_temp]]'





close $outfile






Now I want to put every lines in a variable, that I don´t need the outfile. But with “set” I have only the last line of the loop in the variable.


set var '[format $formatStr $a $b $field1 [format '%.1f' $dif_temp]]'




 Could anyone help me there?
