Generate Shell Elements from Volume Element Surfaces

Hy all!
I imported a CATIA Solid Geometry and as a next step I want to mesh the volume based on the adjacent surface meshes. I generated one surface mesh and used this mesh to 'solid map' the Volume.
What I want to do now, is to create a Shell mesh based on the surfaces of the volume elements at the remaining unmeshed adjacent surfaces of the solid geometry.
My Question now is if this is possible in Hypermesh and if yes, how is it done?
I tried several features in Hypermesh, the only way I found is to create elements by handpicking the nodes in the 2D/edit element subpanel. Since I have more than 10e3 Surface elements that isn't an option for me.
Any help would be appreciated.
not sure if I understand 100% what you'ld like to do, but if you want to create shell elements on all free faces of preexisting solid elements, you can use 'Tool->faces'. This will create a collector ^faces and create shell elements on all free faces of the selected solid elements.