how to assign property to RBE and rigid elements

you are right, you don't need any property for RBE3/RBE2.
I suggest to use RBE2 elements for your type of connection (since it is a rigid element and typically for weldings as you are using)!
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Hi Mario,
Tnaks for your suggestion. I just tried and it works perfect.
But, as far as I can see from the model, there arent any difference between RBE2 and RBE3. Can you please indicate the difference between them?
Many thanks.
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Hi Thomas,
The both element types are more or less complete different.
RBE2 – Rigid Body Element
Defines a rigid body whose independent degrees-of-freedom are specified at a single grid point and whose dependent degrees-of-freedom are specified at an arbitrary number of grid points.
RBE3 – Interpolation Constraint Element
Defines the motion at a 'reference' grid point as the weighted average of the motions at a set of other grid points.
RBE2 are transfering displacements/rotations and are complete rigid.
RBE3 are transfering forces and moments and are not rigid.
I don't want to write more then this here, but feel free to look at the manuals and internet for more informations.
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Hi Mario,
Thank you for the clear explanation of definition and function of both elements.
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Although this topic is called 'how to assign property to rbe and rigid elements', what I would like to know is the opposite: how to remove an assignation I seem to have done to some RBE3 without being aware of it. I realized I had made a mistake when i showed the model by property, and also by material, and these elements didn't appear in grey colour.
Thank you for your help,
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if material and property were assigned indirectly (on component) just create new component and move RBE3 elements with Organize panel (shift+F11).
If material and property were assigned directly (by right-clicking property then assigning elements) go to toolbar button Property Collectors panel>assign>unassign.