create new button at main menu in hyperworks

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I am trying to load a new mvw file to create a new item in main menu in hyperview10.0,

but while trying to load the file i am getting the below error...

1 Error: Did not find EndModelDefaults corresponding to BeginModelDefaults

at line 393. Default values will be used.

and not creating the menu item...

the mvw file will contain the code as below

*Id('HyperWorks v10.0')



{machtype = sysid()}

{if (machtype != 'windows')}




// 2D plot client preferences

{include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_plot.mvw'}

// 3D plot client preferences

{'include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_plot3d.mvw'}

// fe-pre client preferences

{include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_fepre.mvw'}

// post client preferences

{include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_post.mvw'}

// mbd client preferences

{include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_mbd.mvw'}

// generic tools preferences

{include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_tools.mvw'}

// hw application preferences

{include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_app.mvw'}

*BeginMenu(dummy, 'NEWITEM')

*MenuItem(dummy, 'ITEM', TCL, 'D:/POST-HM10/Post-Processing/Scripts/item_name.tcl')



// palette preferences

{include getenv('ALTAIR_HOME') + '/hw/prefinc/preferences_palette.mvw'}

same mvw file is opening in hm8 and hm9.0

Can any body help me in solving this issue...


Ramu B
