Basic macro recording for repetitive tasks

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I'm a long time user of HW but have never used macros very much.

In other CAE/CAD codes, there is a simple 'record macro' capability which allows the user

to record specific commands/keystrokes, store the macro, then simply recall it to repeat those commands in later use.

I don't really see how to do this in Hyperworks. You can of course write standalone TCL script but

I don't see a simple record/playback capability.

Am I missing something?




  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2012

    In HyperMesh there is a command.cmf written to your worksing directory. This file contains any command you executed via the GUI. The file can be reread and can thus be used as some kind of 'macro recorder'. But most of the commands are model dependend (e.g. they contain model specific IDs). But you can use the command.cmf as a starting point for true model independent macros.


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2012

    In HyperMesh there is a command.cmf written to your worksing directory. This file contains any command you executed via the GUI. The file can be reread and can thus be used as some kind of 'macro recorder'. But most of the commands are model dependend (e.g. they contain model specific IDs). But you can use the command.cmf as a starting point for true model independent macros.


    That's what I assumed... It's a weak point for Altair, I think. I'm an old I-DEAS user, and while that product had many problems, the macro usability was far better than HW. There was a GUI that allowed you to record any set of repeated commands, save that in a simple NND, and resuse at will; no editing required, macro available instantly. Even basic text editors have this capability, I hope to see this in some future version of HW.