Interface between sets

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I need help regarding interfaces.

There is an Interface of type CNTAC33 between two sets .

Can any tell me how to findout those sets ids from interface name or interface id ?

Any Command for that ?

and Is there any command for the process of 'review ' in

Analysis--->Interfaces--->add--->review option. ( i. e; to show interface sets in red,blue colors and remaining in grey color.)



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2009

    You can get the ID of sets referenced by a group/interface using the data names assigned to it:

    set slave_name [hm_getentityvalue groups $slave_id name 1]set slave_type [hm_getentityvalue groups $slave_id slavedefinition 0]if { $slave_type == 4 } {   set slave_listmax [hm_getentityvalue groups $slave_id slavesetlistmax 0]   set slave_listids [ hm_getentityarray groups $slave_id slavesetlist ]}
    You can go through the same process for the master side of the interface to get its IDs.

    I'm not sure there is a command to directly plot the 'review' display of the interfaces panel, but adapting some code from the ABAQUS profile Contact Manager:

      set abascripts 'C:/HW90/hm/scripts/abaqus/Contact_wizard'		  hm_pushpanel 'interfaces'  hm_activateitem 150  set grpname [hm_getentityvalue groups $grpid name 1]  hm_setinputentry 'interfaces' 4 '$grpname'  *runmousefile [file join $abascripts clickReviewButton.msf]  hm_usermessage 'Group $grpname' 2  *setreviewtransparentmode 0  *reviewclearall
  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2009


    Thanx a lot. It is working.

    But, it was taking two mouse Clicks.

    Can u tell me how to control that .. so that it will take only single click to review an interface..

