Visualize Mode Shapes in Cyclic Symmetry - HypervIEW

Davide Pisu
Davide Pisu Altair Community Member
edited August 2022 in Community Q&A

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a bladed disk made out of 8 identical sectors, so I'm using the cyclic symmetry to determine it's normal modes with MSC Nastran (SOL 115).

For each harmonic index and for each sector, Nastran writes an eigenvector on the .op2 file. I'm reading it with HyperVIew 202.2.

I expected the software to do the cyclic expansion of the fundamental sector, assigning each sector the corresponding eigenvector. What actually happens is that all the eigenvectors are assigned to the fundamental sector. Also in the result dropdown menu, there is no information on the Harmonic Indexes.

I have tried using the circular symmetry options, but the result is not consistent because it causes each sector to vibrate in phase with the previous one, while the modes with a harmonic index between 0 and N/2 should vibrate with a phase shift.

Is there a way to correctly read the .op2 file into HyperView so that the cyclic expansion is automatic? Alternatively, is it possible to generate a script capable of performing this operation?




  • Jason_Craanen
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022


    The cyclic symmetry option will simply allow you to visually represent the full structure, but does not consider the individual results.

    I am checking with development if this is an option in Hyperview.

    Are you able to share the results file?
