get names

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


iam having a small quiery.

here i will describe the way i tried,

i have a set of properties like name1(id1), name2(id2) , name3(id3) ,....... etc,

while trying to get the ids iam geeting the corresponding positions only, for example if there are 35 properties are there iam getting id's list as 1,2,3,4,,,,,35 but the id's are(id1,id2,id3.... etc) different .

i tried the line below.

set a [hm_entitylist props id]

foreach b $a {

set c [hm_entityinfo props $b]

set name [hm_getcollectorname props $c]

puts $name



that is if id3 value is 2 i have to get name3 but iam getting name2 for id2 value 2, because of 2 position.


how to get the id values from those positions(1,2,3,.....)

can any one help me please.............



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2009


    May I know exactly what you want to do?

    set name of property by removing hm_entityinfo line from your code.

    Pass ids to hm_getcollectorname as 2nd argument.
