Format for Equation-Defined Force

I'm trying to simulate a bearing load on a cylindrical hole. I've defined a cylindrical coordinate system in the hole and associated a semi-circles's worth of nodes with it (although I am unable to use these particular nodes later when I define the way the load acts, strange). I want to model the load using a cosine function so I can maximize the effective force along the line of application. What kind of syntax and definition of variables is Hypermesh looking for when I develop an equation to represent a distributed load? I'm using Nastran for analysis FYI.
Brandon Amat
University of Michigan Mechanical Engineering '14
Michigan Baja Racing
a very simple equation as example (Analysis->Force->nodes->switch to equation)
type in: cos(x)
So you can define the magnitude of the forces as cos(xlocation)...
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So which means 'sin(x)' x- magnitude, will be my equation for my sinusoidal bearing load?
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Altair Forum User said:
So which means 'sin(x)' x- magnitude, will be my equation for my sinusoidal bearing load?
When I created an equation and applied to particular nodes but its taking as a unit load only.
How can we I give a loading equation ?
Can you please replay for my doubt?
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Altair Forum User said:
When I created an equation and applied to particular nodes but its taking as a unit load only.
How can we I give a loading equation ?
Can you please replay for my doubt?
if you type 'sin(x)' in magnitude then it is unit load only
you should type in magnitude as '10*sin(x)' số load is tên time
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