Macro sharing

Dear Customer Service,
I tried to use in Hyperview Comand window the downloaded tcl macro named as Query for Node and Elements (name of the downloaded file 39457604_qury_id.tcl).
I tried to test this file on a small optistuch h3d file. The stress was comupted by the OUTPUT2 option in the corner nodes).
Unfortunately I have got a lot of errors after the execution of the source command. The new User interface window has appeared in the Hyperview surface but any execution aborted.
What could be wrong?
Basically I would like to write a script which shows the principal stess vectors in a selected node. Do you have an existing solution for that problem?
Thank you for your help and best regards.
Dr. Gyorgy Toth
Knorr-Bremse Budapest
Hi Gyorgy
This script would definitely give you some problems in HyperView since the command systems are very different. This tool is for querying the HyperMesh (preprocessing) database for information about nodes or elements.
The 'query results' button on the contour panel in HyperView will allow you to extract stress data by selecting nodes or elements in the model. This might already give you the information you are looking for. The 'advanced' option in this panel will also provide some additional options.
Good luck,