HyperView Batch Mode

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone, 


I would like to launch HyperView in batch mode but I don't find what I want in the help pages. 


I'm looking for options in order to launch HyperView specifying the template file and the result file to launch and also run a TCL script.


Maybe someone know how to do that or tell me where to find the awnsers ...


Thanks a lot, 



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2015

    You can run tcl script in batch mode, and then evertyhing can be done using tcl scripting




  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2015

    You can run tcl script in batch mode, and then evertyhing can be done using tcl scripting




    Hello maciejhebda, 


    Thank you for your help ! Yes it can be a solution but can you tell me how to write it in TCL ?


    Thanks a lot !

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2015

    Hi nhykola,

    you find some advises in the manual of HW.

    Otherwise here is some short example - the comments are unfortunately in german.

    The Example opens a h3d file and create a derived load case with the first three eigenvalues of a buckling analysis. After that the script export the contour of the defomed model into a stl File.

    set BatchOrdnerPfad $::env(BatchOrdnerPfad)
    set Geometrie $::env(Geometrie)
    #set BatchOrdnerPfad 'C:\\Simulation\\AutoTool'
    #set Geometrie 'H_20-l_10-psi_90-T_0-eta_240-rho_72111111'
    hwi GetSessionHandle Session1
    Session1 GetProjectHandle Project1
    Project1 GetPageHandle Page1 1
    Page1 GetWindowHandle Win1 1
    Win1 GetClientHandle Client1
    # Model wird geladen
    Client1 AddModel '$BatchOrdnerPfad/$Geometrie/Beulen/$Geometrie.h3d'
    Client1 GetModelHandle Model1 1
    # Ergebnisse (LoadCases) zum Model werden geladen
    Model1 SetResult '$BatchOrdnerPfad/$Geometrie/Beulen/$Geometrie.h3d'
    Model1 GetResultCtrlHandle Result1
    Result1 GetScaleCtrlHandle Scale1
    # Scale Faktor des gesamten Models. Jeweils in die drei Achsrichtungen
    Scale1 SetScale '0.1 0.1 0.1'
    Scale1 ReleaseHandle
    # Neuer (Derived-) Subcase wird eingefügt
    Result1 AddSubcase 'BeulMod'
    Result1 GetSubcaseHandle Sub1 3
    # SubCase Typ = Lineare Superposition
    Sub1 SetDerivedType 'superposition'
    #Anzahl der Beulmoden, welche Superponiert werden 0,1,2 (3 Stück)
    Sub1 AppendSimulation 2 0
    Sub1 AppendSimulation 2 1
    Sub1 AppendSimulation 2 2
    # Skalierungsfaktor der jeweiligen Simulation (hier alle einfach)
    Sub1 SetSimulationScaleFactor 0 1
    Sub1 SetSimulationScaleFactor 1 1
    Sub1 SetSimulationScaleFactor 2 1
    Sub1 ReleaseHandle
    Result1 SetCurrentSubcase '3'
    Model1 SetMeshMode meshlines
    # Export der Contour in eine stl-Datei
    Result1 GetIsoValueCtrlHandle IsoValue1
    IsoValue1 ExportSTL '$BatchOrdnerPfad/Geometrien/$Geometrie.stl'
    IsoValue1 ReleaseHandle
    # Freigabe aller Handler
    Result1 ReleaseHandle
    Model1 ReleaseHandle
    Client1 ReleaseHandle
    Win1 ReleaseHandle
    Page1 ReleaseHandle
    Project1 ReleaseHandle
    Session1 ReleaseHandle

    # Befehl um das Skript im Batch Modus auszuführen!
    # 'C:\Program Files\Altair\13.0\hw\bin\win64\hw.exe' /clientconfig hwpost.dat -b -tcl C:\Simulation\AutoTool\Python\Hv2stl.tcl
  • Merula_20758
    Merula_20758 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2018

    Hi there,


    thanks for that script.

    Unfortunately I cannot see how to add a second result file. I want to create an envelope loadstep of all topology optimization load steps. These are saved into separate files. (s1,s2,...)

    There is the option in hyperview to add a second result file to generate a derived loadstep. But I cannot find any in the help (e.g. append Simulations only allows ids, not paths to files).


    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance and best regards,
