sinusoidal bearing load distribution normal to the surface

Good afternoon,
Does anybody know how to apply a sinusoidal equation load to a set of nodes.
I have also tried to add the panel - userpage.mac
// User Page Macro Definitions
*createbutton(5, 'Field Loads... ', 0, 0, 10, BUTTON, 'Create load by equations.', 'tcl_script', 'mathbc.tcl')
I typed for example 1000*sin(y) and I don't see a sinusoidal distribution normal to the surface
I am trying to apply a bearing load.
Harry Tempelman
works for me, have you given a proper vector?
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works for me, did you give a proper vector defining the normal to the surface?
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Even I am also facing the same issue, I wants to apply a sinusoidal bearing load on a particular set of nodes.
How can I apply?
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Please replay me....
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Hi Jodha,
Have you tried with Equation in Force panel?
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Yes I have, I given an equation -Cos (y) +1 force distribution is correct.
But I to distribute 20kN to particular nodes.
How is it possible?
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi everyone,
This is what I have done for my sinusoidal loading equation, but how can I consider the magnitude of 20KN in this equation?
My equation is -cos (y)+1
Help me please...........
type in as 20000*(-cos(y)+1)
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