i want to combine 2 penta elements into one hexa using tcl

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

below is the command lines that i am using for the same.I am just a beginner.This is FYI. Correct me if something is wrong

*createmarkpanel elements 1 'Select penta elements to combine';

set d [hm_getmark elements 1];

hm_createmark elements 1 $d;

*findmark elements 1 1 0 nodes 0 2

set nodelist [hm_getmark nodes 2];

hm_createmark nodes 2 $nodelist; ------------->woking fine till here

*createlist nodes 2 $nodelist;

*createelement 208 1 2 0;

*deletemark $d

after the 4th line from bottom(i.e..last 3 lines), I don't know what is the issue. The error line while execution reads 'More nodes should be selected to build the element'.

Till 4th line from the bottom, the commands are to save the nodes of 2 penta elements(8 nodes) and marking it. I tried creating quad elemet also using *createelement 104 1 2 0;

I was easily able to create mass element on the 8 nodes saved replacing the last 3 lines with *masselement(2,0,'',0).

That means to me something wrong with my last 3 lines of command.



  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited August 2012

    Hi Prasapod,

    did you solve the problem yet?

    at line#7 you should write:

    eval *createlist nodes 2 $nodelist;

    if there was no 'eval', $nodelist is just considered as a node ID and hm does not find this ID

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2012


    only some hints:

    - check that you have selected element order: first (Preferences->Meshing options)

    - try *createelement 208 1 2 1 (it is better to generate the element with auto order first)

