batch-exporting .gif graphics area video
I want to create hundreds of videos of a modal analysis for different subcases / simulations / views.. I can create those .mvw files easily, so that on each page, I have the animation I want. But in the MVP-Toolbar, all I can do is export 1 screenshot of each page or create an animation of just one page, but I want to create all those videos automatically. Is there a way how to batch-export those .gif, something like
set d 0
foreach page $pages {
*changePage $page
*gifExport C:/data/frame$d.gif
incr d
Hi Micheal,
I have to capture a large number of *.gif images out of my modal solution files.I want to automate the same.
Can you suggest something for this?
Thanks in advance.
Ramkrishna Shekhar
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I used a python script to create a mvw-session file with one animation / page, and I think I found something that can export the images:
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName
mySessionName GetProjectHandle proj
set numberOfPages [proj GetNumberOfPages]
for {set i 1} {$i < $numberOfPages +1} {incr i} {
proj SetActivePage $i
mySessionName CaptureAnimation gif 'c:/temp/$i.gif'
I don't know if that is the best solution, but it's working quite nicely for now. Would be better if everything is in tcl, but well.. I don't like tcl..
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Micheal, this worked!
Thank you for your Reply.