Problem with Template and Contacts

I´m using MotionView for my bachelorthesis to create the simulation of a two-wheeled vehicle.
I´m trying to get a sequential simulation going. But if I run the simulation I get some errors.
The cirtical template expressions are:
element_type = 'Joint'
element_id = '{the_model.j_stabil_kurve.idstring}'
element_type = 'Joint'
element_id = '{the_model.j_stabil_2.idstring}'
'j_stabil_kurve' is a Perpendicular Axes Joint
'j_stabil_2' is a Parallel Axes Joint
The error i get:
Deactivate Joint/301006
WARNING: Element Joint/301006 not found!
DEACTIVATE command ignored.
Activate Joint/301005
WARNING: Element Joint/301005 not found!
ACTIVATE command ignored.
I already checked the id´s 301006 and 301005. These are the correct id´s for these joints. And if I look at the simulation both Joints are used but they are not getting deactivated/activated through the sequential simulation.
The second Problem I´m facing is with some contacts. I build the course the two-wheeled vehicle should drive on with HyperMesh and use Poisson Contacts with Coulomb Friction On. To this point everything works fine. But when I extend the first course in HyperMesh and replace the old Graphic in MotionView with the larger course alle contacts are ignored and the vehicle just falls through the course.
The new graphic is assigned to the same body as the old one an the contact connectivitys are updated to the new graphic, too.
I´m would be really happy if someone knows some solutions for these problems.
Sorry for the bad english and thanks to everyone replying!!!!
Hi FElpe,
Is it a primitive which you are trying to deactivate?
Instead of 'JOINT' use 'JPRIM' for the element type and check.
Regarding contacts, I need the model.
could you please share the model using the dropbox link in my signature below:
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Hi Prakash Pagadala,
thanks for the quick answers.
The first Problem is solved. Using 'JPRIM' was the solution. Is there a page in the online tutorial where I can see the right commands for element types and so on?
I just send you my model files. If it opens correctly the deactivated Graphic is the one which works fine. The active one 'Rundkurs' is the one with the porblem.
The complete Model is in the folder 'Pedersenrad_einfach' and is named 'Rad einfach'
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Hi FElpe
Looks like the problem is coming from the normals of the wheels. From the wheels .hm file the normals are inside instead of outside.
Please correct this.
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Hi Prakash Pagadala,
thanks for looking at my model. I see what you meen an corrected it. But there is no change in the simulation. The Model keeps falling through the 'street'. I think the problem must be somewhere in the street graphic, because all old Graphics and all Graphics I create with MotionView are working fine with contacts, even with the wheels. Just the new one and every new graphic I create and import from HyperMesh are causing contact problems. So I think I messed up some configuration in HyperMesh but can´t see which one....
I just create points, link them with lines, create surfaces and do a 2D AutoMesh on these surfaces.
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I ran the simulation with the meshed 'street' and a single wheel and everything worked here.
I will keep on adding parts and will update to you about the outcome.
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ok just to be sure we are talking about the same model. Within the files I send to you the 'street' model is in the folder 'Modell Strasse' and the right file is '' or the graphic file 'strasse_rund_import.h3d'. Thanks for alle your help!!
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OK. Thanks. I will update to you soon.
/emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
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I just solved the problem by myself.
I had to reverse the normals of the 'street' graphic. They where pointing to the inside of the model.
Thanks for all the quick help!!!!!
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I have shared the modified .hm files with you for street and tyres.
Use them to generate the h3d files.
The normals for street (strasse_100_rund, hinten) are not facing each other. Please try to correct them.
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so we´ve found the same error
/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)' srcset='/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
Thanks for alle the help!!!