how to enclose a mesh

I was trying to 2D tri mesh a muscle model, after creating a tri mesh on the surface I wanted to make a tetramesh but it says mesh is not enclosed. I saw orange colour lines in my model. What does that mean? and if its an open mesh, how can I close the mesh so that I can create a volume tetramesh? any kindda help would be appreciated.
Apply free edges checks from tools page:edges option.if edges is there then equivalence it till you get enclose volume message in status bar.
If gap is more then you can generate mesh using spline command using mesh without surface option.
(2d page:spline)
Rahul R
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I tried to check for free edges but no edges were found and it says selected elements may enclose a volume. I cant search for the cause of this error.
Also while meshing some of the elements are failed. Can you tell me what all checks should be done in order to fix those elements.
Thanks for your help.
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Could you please upload your model in below ftp link.I will take a look in to your model and update you.Also please share the version and update of Hyperworks.
Rahul R
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I have sent you that model. kindly let me know.
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I have got your hm file and it looks like such tetramesh could easily be achieved in shrink wrap option in Hypermesh. Please refer below link.
Rahul R
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Hi again,
Thanks ,actually it worked.
but I just have little problem in it, when I tried with element size 1, meshing was good and with size 5 meshing was going out of geometry line.
As ill be using these muscles models for further simulation, size 1 would take a lot of time for 23 muscles in all.
can you suggest me if at all I should still go with element size 1?
Just for the better differentiation and visualization I have sent you those two files with different element sizes.
Thanks a lot again.
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Pease try same in Simlab which is Altair Preprocessor.I did the meshing with surface mesh then local remesh & volume mesh,(Initial mesh is one more option).Exported to abaqus format to get it in HM.Attached is the Hm file with mesh and CAD.
Rahul R