Moment units in hyperworks

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Hypermesh in non-dimensional. It is up to the user to use consistent units and convert values accordingly at each instance.
Yes, when using N,mm,MPa, use N*mm as units for moment
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Hypermesh is Non-Dimensional but for our ease by default one can keep Force in N, Displacement in mm,Time in S and Mass in Tonne..... U can see that while assigning the materials the unit of density will be in tonne/mm3 by default i.e by default when we click for the density in the material collector it displays density of steel as 7.9e-9 which is conversion of density of steel 7900 kg/m3 to 7.9e-9 tonne/mm3
1 kilogram / cubic meter =1.0 × 10-12 tonne / cubic millimeter......And for your purpose keeping Moment in N*mm will be right if u follow the above unit system.0