Duplicate elements and free edges

I am facing few issues in my model.
I am have created a mesh with an element size of 0.05.
1. When , I check elements for - Connectivity and duplicates, - no issues are found.
2. In 'find edges' check - I get few free edges - I do preview equivalence with 0.010 and then equivalence. Edges get deleted and I get - No error-Surface can enclose a volume.
3. But, when I export to .NAS format for VWT - I get an error - 15934 duplicate elements are found. (Although I have already deleted the duplicate elements in prev. step).
4. I again check for free edges - I get more free edges than the last time.
This problem of free edges and duplicate elements keeps on repeating.
Please help me in sorting this issue.
How can this problem be solved - Is there anything else I need to modify or skip.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you.
Could you share us model file and share your Hyperworks version detail?
use below ftp linkto share file.
Rahul R
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Hi Rahul,
I have sent the files and the HyperWorks version details.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you.
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Looks like model is not scaled properly.Please scale geometry while import.
Rahul R
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Hi ,
I scaled the model. But, now the meshing is not happening, It goes on creating the elements.
- 1000% scaled model (with original dimensions) - HW is not responding
- I scaled it by 500% to make the dimensions half, the HM kept on generating elements for 30 mins - crossed 1200000 elements !!
How to solve this issue? how to avoid this 'meshing problem' ?
Please suggest appropriate size of the model - for which meshing can be done .
I am interested in a fine mesh so that CFD analysis can be done on it.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you.
0 - 1000% scaled model (with original dimensions) - HW is not responding
I scaled model with 1000. overall length came around 80m which is 80000mm.10mm element length would lead to higher no of nodes and element.I tried with 100mm and 500mm size for one componenet which captures geometry.
For more detail with respect to CFD analysis and scaling of model with appropriate size I request you to post query in Acusolve or VWT section of support forum.
Rahul R