Optimization Error 1755

Please, does anyone has answer to this ??
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Hello Hassan,
This error may occur if there are no loads / supports assigned to the model, can you please send me .out file and also your model (.stmod)? It will be easier to find a solution with more details.
I will send you an email with my contact information and ftp link to upload any files.
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Hello Jaideep,
Thanks for your very awaited reply, i will check out the loads or supports, please can you tell me is there any model size limit in solidthinking inspire and evolve 9.5 / 2014 / 2015 in student version ?? Because i am a student, using educational licence, and currently doing a project in my university on topology optimization ...
And kindly, it is a very humble request to please try to reply fast ...
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There is no model size limit for Inspire and Evolve student version / licenses.
I also sent you email with my contact information and asking for more details, please reply to this email when you get a chance.
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Is it possible to export the model from inspire in .fem file and do necessary changes for size optimization and run optimization ??
Is there any limit of model size in inspire 2015 (student licensed) ?
I tried to analyze the door in inspire 2015 with design and non design parts but i think inspire is not considering them bonded. it is giving very unsatisfactory results with displacements of more than 500 mm. This error occurred when i took small element size. It gives fine results with very large element size. could you please find a solution to this. I am also attaching the .iges file. Please have a look.Regards,0 -
Hi mhassanrazzaq,
during an optimization with Inspire, there's a .fem file created in your users directory. You can do changes there, but it's impossible to redo an optimization with the modified .fem file with Inspire.
You would be able to open with Hypermesh and run with Optistruct, if you've got licences from your university.
As Jaideep already said, there is not limitation in model size for the student version.
Please check the correctness of your bounds with 'Connections' -> 'Contatcs'. If all your contacts are correctly applied, please check visually if all relevant faces are placed on each other. If not, use the move tool to modify them. The lager your elements are, the bigger can be the gap for contact. It sounds like your assemblys parts are not assembled correctly.
At what elementsize there is a correct solution?
Feel free to ask again, if this don't solve your problem!
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Hey thanks for the reply .. I think my model is correct and all the surfaces which are in contact, show red colors when seen in 'contacts'. But there results are different, when done analysis / optimization as one part as compared to more parts !!! The results are correct, when the element size is taken large. When i reduce the element size, it starts to give incorrect results !! I will send you my .iges file, so please send your dropbox link and please have a look.
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I've send you the link via mail, please upload the .stmod without any results.
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I have mailed you on tech-support@solidthinking.com, did you received ??
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Yes, I received the file.
There is a main issue with your Elementsize. So the problem about your door is, that you have very thin metal-sheets AND a very huge structure in comparison to that sheets. As a result, you would need very thin elements for a homogen Elementsize and correct connections, which your PC perhaps wound be able to create. There are no shell elements with Inspire, so even the thinnest structure is filled up with volume elements.
The main idea is to simplify your model.
So there are two different steps you could try:
- you could remove the thin metal'sheet' at one side and apply directly the support at the designspace (usually not recommended)
- you could make that 'sheet' thicker and decrease the E-Modulus of your material so the stiffness of the part is compareble
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OK just saw the reason,
your main problem is your designspace: Fill up the holes otherwise there isn't any designspace Inspire can work with!
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Hey thanks for your reply,
The main problem with my project of optimization is that, the door has already been designed and analyzed through various softwares like ansys etc. So i didnt have any choice to change its design, i have to decease this already designed door's mass. So what are my options from which i can play with. Please specify. Should i make it only two parts, design and non-design ? Should i make the average element size too small ? if yes, then what should my average element size be when the thickness of the ribs is 5mm. My material is structural steel, so i couldnt change that too. Waiting for your guidance ..
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Hey Felix,
Waiting for your reply, friend.
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there is no way do get an improved design without changing the design. Feel free to have a look at our tutorials!