Evaluate Tensile test results

I'm looking for a possibility to evaluate tensile test results. That means I have done a tensile test analysis in hyperworks (imposed velocity...) and the same test also on a test bench in reality. So I have the real results (force/displacement diagram, stress/strain diagram) and want to compare the simulation with these results. But I couldn't find a way to do this comparison. Do you have any idea how to handle the simulation results? Maybe create a stress strain or force displacement result in hyper view/hypergraph?
Thank you very much for your help!
Altair Forum User said:
Please refer below link of Radioss examples for tensile test.
Attached thumbnail contains pdf of the above link.
Rahul R
Thanks for your answer. This diagram is exactly what I'm looking for but how can I create this in Hyperview/Hypergraph? I cannot find any option for the engineering stress and strain.
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I downloaded your tensile test files and started the TENSI36_0000.rad file with Radioss but I didn't get a h3d file out for hyperview. So what did I wrong?
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Hi Marius89,
Please check the ANIM/DT in your engine file. If it is blank/zero no A0# files are written to working directory and eventually no h3d will be generated.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Marius89,
Please check the ANIM/DT in your engine file. If it is blank/zero no A0# files are written to working directory and eventually no h3d will be generated.
ANIM/DT ist 0. 0.5
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Hi Marius89,
can you please share the model files using the dropbox link below?