Error 1000 How to diagnose?

I am getting the following error.
See next message about line 449103 from file:/xx/xxxxx/xxxxxxx. (this is continuation line 1 of LOAD,24 bulk data) '+ 1.0 0 1.0 2000 1.0 2002 1.0 2010' *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data: Incorrect data in field # 3.
How to find out whats wrong?
Some ppl had similar error but, they had some clue. ex 'CQUAD' was there instead of '+'
Thanks .
Hi Giri,
Please share the .fem file.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Giri,
Please share the .fem file.
I am extremely unfortunate. I can't share the file. I am working on college project. And the design belongs to others. Can you please tell how to diagnose it? Based on the information given?
Thanks. And I really appreciate your assistance.
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Hi Giri,
Can you let us know what is the entity refered in the line 449103?
is it the force?
or can you share the entire .out file?
See next message about line 449103 from file:
/xx/xxxxx/xxxxxxx. (this is continuation line 1 of LOAD,24 bulk data) '+ 1.0 0 1.0 2000 1.0 2002 1.0 2010'
0 -
*** OptiStruct defaults set from: install config file: C:\Program Files\Altair\13.0\/hwsolvers/optistruct.cfg. NOTE # 9199 MSGLMT=STRICT is active, all messages will be printed. You can suppress some less important warning messages by use of MSGLMT=BRIEF or UNREF (in config file or in the input data). 1 PARAM(s) were set: POST ,-1 *** See next message about line 448965 from file:
/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.fem 'MAT1 5320000.0135000.00.24 3.69-6' *** WARNING # 1030 Consistency requirement E=2G(1+NU) violated. Different values of G (either provided or inferred) will be used. See the Material Quality Checks section of the documentation. *** See next message about line 449103 from file:
/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.fem (this is continuation line 1 of LOAD,24 bulk data) '+ 1.0 0 1.0 2000 1.0 2002 1.0 2010' This line was interpreted as: 449103:+ , 1.0, 0, 1.0, 2000, 1.0, 2002, 1.0, 2010 *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data: Incorrect data in field # 3. Expected <name.>ID or blank, found INTEGER (0). ************************************************************************ RESOURCE USAGE INFORMATION -------------------------- MAXIMUM MEMORY USED 266 MB MAXIMUM DISK SPACE USED 1 MB ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ COMPUTE TIME INFORMATION ------------------------ EXECUTION STARTED Mon Dec 28 10:44:30 2015 EXECUTION COMPLETED Mon Dec 28 10:44:36 2015 ELAPSED TIME 00:00:05 CPU TIME 00:00:05 ************************************************************************ *** PROGRAM STOPPED: FATAL ERROR(s) ENCOUNTERED. ***** END OF REPORT ***** For Useful OptiStruct Tips and Tricks, go to the URL: ************************************************************************ A fatal error has been detected during input processing: *** See next message about line 449103 from file:
/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (this is continuation line 1 of LOAD,24 bulk data) '+ 1.0 0 1.0 2000 1.0 2002 1.0 2010' *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data: Incorrect data in field # 3. ************************************************************************
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Never mind, I found out the issue. Thanks for assistance.
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i am facing similar problem.
*** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
Incorrect data in field # 4.0 -
Hi sachin,
Please share the entire .out file.