Tire model
Hi everyone!
I am working with the vehicle library to create my own vehicle model for future analysis. About the tire models I have some doubts. First of all, I would like to know where exactly can I found the full information about how are tire modeled in MV. Therefore, I've been investigating if I can use my own tire models as I already have a .tir file of the tires we will use. Is there any option to simply change the .tir file model or is something more complicated? How can I introduce my own data in order to get the real information I need.
Please, if you can help I would be very grateful.
MotionSolve supports many tire models starting from Simple Fiala model, HTire based on Magic Formula (Pacejka 2002/89), MF-Tyre from TNO, to complex tire models like FTire from Cosin, CDTire from Fraunofer, RMOD-K from T-Systems, MF-Swift from TNO.
You can find the details of each tire and their application in MotionView User’s Guide Under Vehicle Dynamics Modeling à Tire Modeling.
You can directly try the tir file you have if it is based on any of the above mention Tire model.
You can also write a custom tire model using Tire Subroutines, you can refer “User Written Tire and Road Models” under the Tire modeling.