Mesh Skill Sought in Hypermesh

May I get some advice on the meshing skills from 2D to 3D meshing?
1. How should I deal with the end of this triangular shape? The element at the end must be low quality.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2. For this triangular shape, should I use mix mesh as above or use R-trias shape? Which one would benefit me in tetramesh in the following steps. In general, what is the different between common trias and R-trias elements? Do they have some advantage in some specific application?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3. How should I deal with the two ends of right triangle with curve hypotenuse? These two ends are sharp corner.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4. For this long surface, should I use equal number of elements at the red labelled lines? If the elements number are equal, only Quads would be created. If not, and use default number, the longer side would get more elements. Which situation would benefit the 3D tetramesh?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5. For the similar situation, how should I deal with this surface to get a better mesh? What shown is the result for simple mix mesh.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
6. Which kind of 3D mesh would get better result in similar number of elements, 3D tetramesh or 3D hexamesh mixed with tetramesh. To put it in this case, which 3D meshing would be more accurate, 1- split the quads into trias for tetramesh; 2- mainly hexamesh combined with tetramesh.
7. How should I construct the hexamesh combined with tetramesh?
Thank you for your advice.
Altair Forum User said:
May I get some advice on the meshing skills from 2D to 3D meshing?
7. How should I construct the hexamesh combined with tetramesh?
Thank you for your advice.
You need a layer of 'pyramid' to connect hexa mesh to tetra.
Pay attention to this method: not all solver could support 'pyramid' elements.
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Altair Forum User said:
Please see attached screenshot.
In our FEA Ebook & Book of Practical finite element analysis covers most of your question.
Rahul R
Hello, Rahul
Thank you for you reply. I will definitely check that book.
I am wondering for the sharp corner resulted from the geometry, I have no choice but leave it there?