Craig-Bampton or Craig-Chang type ?

I am new with component mode synthesis and I am not sure which type to use ? Craig-Bampton (CB) or Craig-Chang (CC) ?
I know that CB is a method that considers fixed interface component modes and CC, free interface component modes.
Do you have example where I should use one or the other ?
Thank you
Hi Benjamin,
There is no tutorial available. But, If the fixed condition more represents the real condition then the Craig-Bampton should be used
if the free condition more represents the interface condition then the Craig-Chang method should be used.
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Where can I find the definition of a fixed condition and free condition ?
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For your reference,
Please refer this PAPER.
1. This paper gives you the comparison between different dynamic sub structuring models with respect to it's experimental prediction.
2. This paper gives idea about the accuracy required to get good results for stresses.
Have a Nice Day...