Combine / Merging all components into a single component and applying constraints

Hallo Everyone,
I have created an lattice structure unitcell (BCC) of 1mm x 1mm x 1mm in CAD with that I created a whole component of 10mm x 10mm x10mm so there are 1000 unit cell in my component. I imported that component into hypermesh and it shows 1000 individual components in the model section. I want to analyse the component by applying load on the top face by constraining all the dof at the bottom and do the convergence study ( mesh refinement) .
My questions are
1) how can I combine or merge all other component 1000 individual components in to a single whole as one component, I think it would be better for meshing and further analysis. ( I have attached the file for your reference please take a look)
2) How can I create a rigid plate on the bottom for locking all the dof and also rigid plate on the top for locking all dof except vertical translation for applying loads )
Thats all my questions , Please take a look on my component . Anticipating a response. Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,
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Altair Forum User said:
Hallo Everyone,
I have created an lattice structure unitcell (BCC) of 1mm x 1mm x 1mm in CAD with that I created a whole component of 10mm x 10mm x10mm so there are 1000 unit cell in my component. I imported that component into hypermesh and it shows 1000 individual components in the model section. I want to analyse the component by applying load on the top face by constraining all the dof at the bottom and do the convergence study ( mesh refinement) .
My questions are
1) how can I combine or merge all other component 1000 individual components in to a single whole as one component, I think it would be better for meshing and further analysis. ( I have attached the file for your reference please take a look)
When you like to merge component, do you mean geometrical entities? If yes, that's not need IMHO!
Anyway you have to make the mesh. So do that with only ONE unit. The final mesh will be obtained from unit mesh with copy/translate/symmetry/paste,....
Before asking about BC, show us how you can make the mesh
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FYI from HM14, enter menu Tools>Transformation Tool
It will help to create multiple copies of mesh (linear array or circular array)
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Hallo Again , @tinh , @Q.Nguyen-Dai and whosoever reading this
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As per the suggestions that I got from this post, I did it with full complete mesh (used Volume Tetra) with 0.1 as element size, and yes it takes computational effort /time. I have attached the meshed part for your reference. (Since the whole component is meshed the size of the file is huge sorry for that )
I am new to hypermesh as beginner level so for constraining the base with all dof (My idea is to create a load case and apply constraints every connecting nodes of my idividual components) and by the same at top I have to lock all dof except vertical direction. But how can I make a rigid plate in order to do those kinda locking? Is that necessary?. Sorry If my question is newbie but It would help my work to proceed further.
Then I have to do a convergence mesh study for this load cases. Only I am stuck with the rigid plate part. Help would be much appreciate. Thanks in advance
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Kind Regards,
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Your HM model is not readable for me.
If you are completely new to HM, I would like to suggest you try with only 8 units firstly. When I know how to do with small example, you cound make the same with real size model.