The 3-D body surface subjected to time varying pressure load. I want stress and displacement analysis. which control card should prefer and how to generate the engine file on hypermesh 2017 radios.?
Displacement will be a default result. From the Analysis>>Control Cards>>select ENG_ANIM_BRICK_TENS_STRESS and select ALL option which will create animation of stress tensor.
Also, select ENG_ANIM_ELEM, select VONM, SIGX, SIGY, SIGZ, SIGXY, SIGYZ, SIGXZ which will write animation files for von mises stress, and stress in respective directions.
Please go through the Help for these control cards for more.
Displacement is default.
For stress and other results. Go to engine file and then animation file as shown in following figure.This is much useful for older versions before 13
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
For 2017 version their is direct command to generate these stress and some basic results.
Tools>engine file assistance>select create engine file>give some basic information and then done we are ready to export the engine file.