Element set creation for pressure boundary condition

Hi Everyone
i have only the solid element,I have created the not set by (Entity set >node set >by face ), but i want to apply the boundary condition similar to this ,pressure ,surface heat flux , radiation boundary condition .I just want to create element sets than i can apply the boundary condition quickly.my solver is abaqus please kindly help me to solve this problem..
Warm Regards
Hi everyone
How to create element set (set1 in the above figure ) I have only linear hexa element (C3D8) i just want to apply pressure or film load
Error :
1. After find face i just created a element set than i just done delete find face ,while solving i am getting error similarly no elements found in the element set..
2. If i create element set by grouping that is also showing some error while solving
if you have some example please share me.......... i making mistake but i could not find me ,,
warm regards
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Refer below Tutorial.
HM-4330: Defining *STEP using Abaqus Step Manager.
Step 7: Define pressure loads (*DLOAD) with element set
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Hi Rahul
Thank you now i understood how to apply dload if i have element set but i could not even know how to create element set if i have only have solid elements (C3D8) .
i can create element sets if i have shell elements.
example : Take rectangular box one side fixed other side pressure load(DLoad) i want to create element set
please help me solve the problem
warm regards
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if element set is working for shell element then it should work for solid element aswell.Check whether element type is set to c3d8 or c3d8r?
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The element type is c3d8r, is there any problem with that and i have attached my file with this please help me , how to create element set....
warm regards