Result Types

When parts loaded beyond yield limit will start deforming plastically and strains obtained are plastic strains.
Plastic strain along thickness is the strain in thickness direction.
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when i want to view plastic strain on sheet metal, which result type should i use ? plastic strain or plastic strain along thickness?
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Can you let us know more about the simulation you are running?
I think both are important, as you may need the plastic strain along thickness to calculate the strain ratio.
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i have run FEA a seat model for crash test that done in real life,
But there are different values between plastic strain and plastic strain along thickness, which result type i should pay attention. Plastic strain is closer to real test , but why took place difference between plastic strain and plastic strain along thickness ? This is what i want to learn.
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Please find below reply from one of my colleague on similar query wrt to Radioss solver.
The Bending and Membrane behavior depends greatly on element's through thickness distribution.
The stress distribution across the plate thickness is a linear combination of bending and axial (membrane) stresses so if you have the distribution across the thickness of the plate the axial component is simply the average of stresses on the top and bottom and the bending stresses is the total minus the axial stresses.
Through thickness stress distribution becomes very significant when the element undergoes large deformation / rotation or being strained at large plastic strains. These behavoir will be measured / recorded by through thickness integration points
The shell element formulation in OptiStruct is based on linear deformation theory and hence do not have through thickness integration points. RADIOSS has the capability of defining through thickness integration points and hence could output Membrane and Bending stress In addition to Top and Bottom layer stresses using the below output commands:
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Altair Forum User said:
i have run FEA a seat model for crash test that done in real life,
But there are different values between plastic strain and plastic strain along thickness, which result type i should pay attention. Plastic strain is closer to real test , but why took place difference between plastic strain and plastic strain along thickness ? This is what i want to learn.
If you are interested in shell thinning or thickness variation then you can consider strain along thickness.
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Altair Forum User said:
Please find below reply from one of my colleague on similar query wrt to Radioss solver.
The Bending and Membrane behavior depends greatly on element's through thickness distribution.
The stress distribution across the plate thickness is a linear combination of bending and axial (membrane) stresses so if you have the distribution across the thickness of the plate the axial component is simply the average of stresses on the top and bottom and the bending stresses is the total minus the axial stresses.
Through thickness stress distribution becomes very significant when the element undergoes large deformation / rotation or being strained at large plastic strains. These behavoir will be measured / recorded by through thickness integration points
The shell element formulation in OptiStruct is based on linear deformation theory and hence do not have through thickness integration points. RADIOSS has the capability of defining through thickness integration points and hence could output Membrane and Bending stress In addition to Top and Bottom layer stresses using the below output commands:
Is 'Plastic Strain Along the Thickness' equivalent to 'effective plastic strain' in LS-DYNA?
I couldn't find anything about how this value is computed in the manuals.