Project 2D surface hex mesh to adjacent surface to then create 2D R-tri surface mesh
I have a interface where one side is hex meshed and the volume is mapped. What I want to do is project the nodes to the adjacent surface and then create r-tris since that volume is not mappable and needs to be tet mesh. After this I want to equivalence those nodes. I have tried to get this done but with no luck. I have surfaced meshed the surface that will be part of the tet meshed volume, but I cannot get the node spacing to match up with the nodes from the hex meshed surface. Any suggestions out there?
Hi, basically I may have not understand your problem completely but what I understood is that you have a component whose some portion is hex meshed and few portion is complex show you want to tetmesh to that part...
If this is the case, then you can try this...
Get faces of the hex mesh( tool panel-faces),mesh the remaining volume by quad elements or R-tria. Just ensure that outer edge of the face(from hex mesh) has nodal connectivity with quad elements( I am sure it can be easily done as component via equivalence or replace) and then simply go to tet mesh option and select the volume (which include face and quad element) and tet mesh.
Or you can use ruled option to make quad elements between the node of the face(from hex element) and lines of the unmeshed volume. This will ensure nodal connectivity. Other processes are same