Is there anyway to improve the accuracy of my analysis in INSPIRE?

Since it uses simlab in backend for creating tetrahedral element.It is good to check element quality of tetrahedral element like tet collapse.which should be more then atleast .1.
and if you are talking about Inspire Stress results then for better accuracy you can check the results in Hyperview.Because it gives more option for viewing stress results like Nodal, elemental, simple, averaging etc.
As Prakash mentioned remove thin areas beause it may lead in to some bad quality elements. (Inspire writes fem file which you can open in Hypermesh and check element quality)
Rahul R
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You will have to recheck the conditions of the analysis, are the loads applied and distributed exactly as in the experiment, constraints, material properties, is it linear or non linear etc
also make sure the run is set to 'more accurate' rather than 'faster'
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Altair Forum User said:
Since it uses simlab in backend for creating tetrahedral element.It is good to check element quality of tetrahedral element like tet collapse.which should be more then atleast .1.
and if you are talking about Inspire Stress results then for better accuracy you can check the results in Hyperview.Because it gives more option for viewing stress results like Nodal, elemental, simple, averaging etc.
As Prakash mentioned remove thin areas beause it may lead in to some bad quality elements. (Inspire writes fem file which you can open in Hypermesh and check element quality)
Rahul R
Hi Rahul,
you are writing that inspire creates fem files that can be opened in Hypermesh, right? I am a beginner with the altair software suite, I am not yet familiar with the handling of their applications. Could you give me some sort of Click by click order of how to display my results in hypermesh and Hyperview? and what files can be opened in which application?
that'd be great help!!
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Rahul,
you are writing that inspire creates fem files that can be opened in Hypermesh, right? I am a beginner with the altair software suite, I am not yet familiar with the handling of their applications. Could you give me some sort of Click by click order of how to display my results in hypermesh and Hyperview? and what files can be opened in which application?
that'd be great help!!
For importing .fem into Hypermesh, please do :
- File > Import > Solver desk
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Alright!!! Thank you!!