How to see stresses in the plies of a laminate

Please use CTSRESS, CSTRAIN, CFAILURE output requests if you are using PCOMP(G), PCOMPP
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Thanks for answering i found CSTRESS; CSTRAIN but no CFAILURE I use PCOMP.
What does the (G) means? If relevant I am using Hypermesh 13
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thanks for the informations, now i edit my .fem file like shown in the picture, so it works and i have failure Output for each ply. But the Problem is have no stress Output for the plies only for the Composite. But i need the stresses for each ply, because i want to calculate my failure by hand. I hope the pictures show what i mean.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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OK. from the your .fem file image, I can see that you have requested CSTRESS to be written to PLOT file and .OP2. Instead change it to H3D.
CSTRESS(H3D,ALL) or go to control cards>>Global output reuqest>>Change CSTRESS form to H3D
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ok now everything is fine, it runs with the global request output file. But i have two more questions.
- What´s the difference betweeen Composite Failure and Composite Failure Index
- And the difference between Failure INdex and plies with Maximum FI
Thanks for your help
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Please refer to this post: