Hollow Profile Extrusion

I am trying to run a hollow profile extrusion via HyperXtrude. Unfortunately, I faced problems that can not be solved by using the tutorials. The Tutorial HX-0151 shows an example of one possible way for hollow profile extrusion. But I would like to extrude the hollow profile using a mandrel as shown in the pictures. Is this possible?
If so, what did I do wrong? I imported the STEP-Data, connected all adjacent surfaces (boolean solid edit) and then set up the Extrusion Wizard (see pictures below). After clicking on „save & start calculation“ the precalculation ran for a few seconds and then shows green light. Then I clicked on „solve“. Here, the main problem occurred: The solver just had 1 time step to proceed although the maximum time steps were set to 298 with a time increment of 0,1 seconds. Thus, the following simulation on HyperView just showed the first 0,1 second of the whole extrusion process. What’s the point here?
Sometimes it’s not even possible to start the calculation: When I finished setting up the Extrusion Wizard and want to „save & start calculation“, it just says „finished writing data files“ but no precalculation starts. What`s the problem here?
I hope the topic seems comprehensible, best regards,
David Kramer
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Have you tried doing the same in Click2Extrude? I guess this problem can be done within click2extrude.
Could you try and inform if that works or not in your case?
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Hi D. Kramer,
Which version of HyperMesh you are using? Please use extrusion wizard to set up the model. Extrusion will help you set all data automatically. The images you sent has data conflicting hence you run is not going as expected.
Also, you show comment from ydigit, Our new interface Inspire Extrude/Click2Extrude will help you even further. there is no need of meshing. Please let me know us know your contact information, one of our support engineers will contact to upgrade your installation.