meshing a quadridged antenna

hi everyones
I try to simulate an antenna but I confront an error:
error33238:Not enough memory available on the hard disk for an out-of-core file.
in addition it has a warning by contents:
warning 1663:Inhomogeneous segmentation for triangles.
I use edge port to excite a quadridged horn antenna with coaxial cable.
thanks in advanced.
I suspect that you have solved your problem by now, but here is my response in case you are still stuck.
The first error should be quite clear. You are trying to simulate a model that uses more memory than you have RAM and the solver decided to run out of core (using the hard disk) and then even ran out of hard disk space. Since I don't expect your model to be that large and your PC is probably not that small, it could be that you meshed too fine. Are you able to share the model? If not, check your mesh settings and model unit - there could be a mismatch that is resulting in your model being meshed 1000 times (mm to m) too fine. It is just a guess.
The second error indicates that you have extremely large and extremely small triangles in your model. Again, this could be indicating a problem in your meshing. I can't really advise more without seeing the model.